Thursday, October 9, 2008

Return to Claire's Farm

The dry wind sweeps across the golden wheat fields. The vampire's kiss has vanished from Claire's neck after you defeated Kruz. She and Dan run ahead towards the farm. A faint smile brushes across your lips as you turn around to go back the way you came."Stay with us!" Claire shouts out.".............The life of a hunter is no kind of life," you reply."Sorry, I don't know why I should care. I'm all alone, after all. Oh well, I'm being silly -- doesn't really matter --""I'll do it," the words slip out your mouth. "...there's rumors of a vampirism vaccine. If I find it, I'll come back here, but as a regular human."Claire smiles. "Come home soon" she replies.

1. Head to ELF village (Req: 30 bloodline)
2. Go back to Vampiric Ruins

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